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3 Things Keeping You Divorced From Yourself

And what to do to reconnect.

Joscelyn Kate
5 min readJul 20, 2024


Being divorced from yourself feels like a split in your desires. Part of you wants something and another part believes it’s too risky, too much work, or too unlikely. This is also the part that feels unworthy of having the desire.

There is no worthy or unworthy written into the stars. People get what they put the energy into getting. And proximity matters too here. Someone who starts in poverty is much further from becoming a millionaire than someone whose parents gave them a trust fund to start out. That’s about generational equity and it’s not something we have control over. What we do have control over is our energetic output, what we work towards.

And working towards something doesn’t mean you’re automatically going to get it. But just because you may not get something, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work towards it.

As a great American poet once said, “Get rich or die tryin’.”

Everyone has the ability to manage their energy and effort, it will only serve you to recognize your limits and then apply the pressure.

So if you’re feeling divorced or separate from yourself, like your higher self doesn’t come through consistently enough to guide your thoughts, feelings, and actions, then one or more of…

