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Most People Aren’t Enlightened They’re Condescending

Here’s how to respond.

Joscelyn Kate
4 min readJul 18, 2024


Enlightenment can sound like a magical state of being, only available to a small group of people.

Exclusive access is the appeal, but it’s also the defense. People claim they can’t reach enlightenment because it’s reserved for the few, so they don’t try. The few who are willing to exploit enlightenment will tell you what you should feel and hear and experience, further privatizing and gatekeeping what it feels like.

But enlightenment is simply a great awareness of all things, known and unknown.

(Sidebar: How do you be aware of things unknown? By knowing you don’t know them. Knowing you don’t know all things means there are things to be known that are unknown to you.)

It’s the seeking and the openness to continue seeking. It’s remaining in a state of absorption and resisting the complacency that comes with answers. Enlightened people don’t have answers, they have processes.

Enlightenment Doesn’t Mean Prying Beliefs Away From People

Prying away a person’s beliefs is of an agenda. Being unable to sit with someone else’s suffering, lack of direction, wrong direction, or self-sabotage is a result of opinion and judgment. It’s…

