Photo by Emily Bauman on Unsplash

Pick a Card

Come sit with me for a moment.

Joscelyn Kate
4 min readJul 17, 2024


Guidance sometimes comes looking for you. It can show up unexpectedly, in the oddest of places. That’s when it’s the most profound.

Check here, maybe there’s some guidance for you. Maybe it’s been looking for you all along and was finally able to catch your eye, here, on Medium. You were scrolling along happily and suddenly decided that maybe, you should pick a card. Maybe you do need a little insight, or some advice, or could benefit from reading general musings about the connections between the spiritual, physical, and emotional world.

Whatever you’ve come looking for, I know this will bring you a step closer to finding it.

So go ahead and settle in. This is going to take a moment of your concentration. Your intuition is getting ready to speak with you. Go ahead and get ready to listen.

Relax your eyes, your jaw, your neck, and your shoulders. Loosen your grip just slightly. Allow any lingering thoughts or feelings to pop like bubbles, there one second and gone the next. Pop, pop, pop. Clear it all out and be here, with me, now. Take a deep breath in, and when you are ready, release your breath and choose your card from the below.

