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The Myth of the Empath

Joscelyn Kate


The empath is always caring, comforting, and aware. The empath knows what you’re feeling and they know just what you need to feel better.

Their intentions are always good.

The empath is heartfelt, intuitive, and never attempting to gain control.

Empaths don’t harm.

Empaths are not narcissistic.

The empath knows what pain feels like, theirs and everyone else’s. They’re often overwhelmed by the pain that’s constantly leaking from others.

Hypersensitive. Empaths are so incredibly sensitive, it drains their very being to be in the presence of other humans who are having emotional experiences, because empaths feel both their own emotional experience *and* everyone else’s.

You never need to explain your wants, needs, or desires to an empath. They get it. You don’t need to worry about trusting an empath, their intent is always to reduce and alleviate pain… the pain they feel for you… your pain.

The empath knows better than anyone what reduces pain because they’re better at feeling it than you.

